Science Is Constantly Evolving

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"Battle on teaching evolution sharpens" -- Peter Slevin's story on the creationism/evolution controversy -- appeared on the front page of the March 14, 2005, issue of the Washington Post. "Propelled by a polished strategy crafted by activists on America's political right," Slevin…
On February 25 Federal District Court Judge Clarence Cooper ordered the Cobb County school district to remove evolution disclaimer stickers from 34,000 textbooks at the end of this school year. The Cobb school board is appealing Judge Cooper's January 13 ruling that the stickers are…
Senate Bill 2286 has died in the Education Committee of the Mississippi Senate, according to the legislature's website. The bill would have required "balanced treatment to the theory of scientific creationism and the theory of evolution…
Two evolution-related measures have failed to progress through the Montana legislature and are dead for this session. March 1 was the deadline for bills to pass in their first house. One potential bill, known by its draft number of LC1199, was never formally introduced. Sponsored by Rep. Roger…
On March 2, 2005, The Ohio State University announced that NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott will receive an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the university's winter quarter commencement on March 20, where she will also deliver the commencement address. OSU's press…
Shortly after its second anniversary, Project Steve -- NCSE's exercise in poking fun at the lists of "scientists who doubt evolution" promulgated by antievolutionist groups -- was featured on the first page of the Sunday edition of one of Canada's leading newspapers. Dan Gardner's…
  Chris Mooney reports in The American Prospect that John H. Marburger III, director of the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy, denounced "intelligent design" as unscientific. Mooney writes:   Speaking at the annual conference of the National Association of…
A member of the board of education of the Shelby County Schools has proposed a textbook disclaimer sticker for biology books used in the district. Shelby County surrounds the city of Memphis. According to news reports from the Associated Press and the Memphis Commercial Appeal, board…
On February 10, 2005, the American Civil Liberties Union announced that the Beebe School District in Beebe, Arkansas, agreed to remove warning labels from its science textbooks which describe evolution as "a controversial theory" and refer to an "intelligent designer" as a possible explanation of…