The latest issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach — the new journal aspiring to promote accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience — is now available on-line. Taking transitional forms as its theme, the issue positively teems with exciting…
Eugenie C. ScottNCSE's executive director was interviewed (full text below) in the latest issue of Science under the headline "Eugenie Scott Toils in Defense of Evolution." Introducing the interview, Science's Yudhijit Bhattacharjee wrote, "Last week, Scott won the inaugural…
Eugenie C. ScottNCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott is to be the first recipient of the Stephen Jay Gould Prize, awarded annually by the Society for the Study of Evolution "to recognize individuals whose sustained and exemplary efforts have advanced public understanding of…
NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott will discuss the significance of Ida, the 47-million-year-old primate fossil dominating the headlines, on the Culture Shocks radio show on May 26, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. EST. Hosted by the Reverend Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for…
Joshua RosenauWriting in Seed, NCSE's Joshua Rosenau explains what the new Texas state science standards mean for science education nationwide. Rosenau, who attended (and blogged from) both the January and the March meetings of the Texas state board of education, writes, "Despite…
Antievolution law proposed in Florida OAKLAND, CA March 2 It's not a hurricane or even a tropical storm. But a small knot of ignorance is twisting through the Florida state senate. Late last week, Stephen R. Wise (R-District 5) filed Senate Bill 2396, which if passed, would require "[a]…
NASA officials demand Big Bang be called a "theory"; national parks selling creationist books; teachers pressured to teach creationism NCSE recently offered its advice on ways the federal government can promote and protect scientific integrity. The comment will be considered as presidential…
Evolution is under attack across the U.S. Last year, the teaching of evolution was challenged in scores of schools. During the same period, six states introduced (and Louisiana passed) "academic freedom laws" that discredit evolution and smuggle creationist teachings into the classroom. (For more…
NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott is among the Scientific American 10 for 2009, described by the magazine in its June 2009 issue as "researchers, politicians, business executives and philanthropists who have recently demonstrated outstanding commitment to assuring that the benefits of new…