Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Selected content from volume 28, numbers 5-6, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website. RNCSE 28:5-6 was a special Expelled Exposed issue, with a comprehensive debunking of the recent creationist propaganda movie Expelled. Featured are Eugenie C.…
A recent international survey (PDF) conducted by the British Council investigated awareness of Darwin, acceptance of evolution, and attitudes toward evolution and faith. In a June 30, 2009, press release, Fern Elsdon-Baker, the head of the British Council's Darwin Now program, commented (PDF), "…
Paleontologists took a trip to Answers in Genesis's Creation "Museum" — and were dismayed, unsurprisingly, by what they saw. The Ninth North American Paleontological Convention was held June 21-26, 2009, at the University of Cincinnati, attracting several hundred paleontologists from around the…
The Society for the Study of Evolution has honored NCSE's executive director with its first Stephen Jay Gould Prize. Named in memory of paleontologist and popular science writer Stephen Jay Gould, this award recognizes outstanding work in communicating the insights, applications, and importance of…
Selected content from volume 28, number 4, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website. Featured are Brandon Haught's chronicle of the recent fight over the place of evolution in Florida's state science standards, Leon Retief's history of creationism…
A special supplement to the June 16, 2009, issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences entitled "In the light of evolution III: Two centuries of Darwin" is now freely available. As the editors, John C. Avise and Francisco J. Ayala, explain in their introduction: In the articles of…
Scientific American names the 10 most important leaders in science and technology Barack Obama and Bill Gates are in good company. The NCSE's Dr. Eugenie C. Scott joins Obama and Gates as members of the Scientific American 10 honor roll. This honor roll pays tribute to the ten people in the last…
The winners of the Stick Science cartoon contest, sponsored by Florida Citizens for Science, were announced on June 19, 2009. "The basic concept here," as FCFS's Brandon Haught explained in announcing the contest, "is to draw a cartoon that educates the public about misconceptions the average…
Peter M. J. HessNCSE's Director of Religious Community Outreach Peter M. J. Hess contributed a guest column, entitled "West of Eden," to the Washington Post's on-line "On Faith" feature (June 16, 2009). "Too often, debates over the public perception of evolution are dominated by…