A columnist for the Nashua Telegraph (July 3, 2011) discusses the two antievolution bills on the horizon in New Hampshire. As NCSE previously reported, two requests to have antievolution bills drafted for the 2012 legislative session were included on a list of legislative service requests dated…
Rob Boston's "Creationism Crusade," published in the July/August 2011 issue of Church & State, reviews the latest battles, in state legislatures and elsewhere, over the teaching of evolution. The antievolution bills in Tennessee — House Bill 368, which passed the Tennessee House of…
It's time to sharpen your pencils, cudgel your brains, and consult your muse: NCSE is running a bumper sticker contest! This is your chance to speak loud, speak proud for evolution, by crafting a killer slogan that could end up on the tail end of thousands of cars. The aim of this mobile message:…
Announcing NCSE's Bumper Sticker Contest! Our classic bumper stickers... "Evolutionists do it with increasing complexity" "Honk! If you understand punctuated equilibria" ...will remain in the lineup. But it's time to bring some new players onto the field. This is your chance…
A survey of the opinions of evangelical Protestant leaders across the world, conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, included a question on evolution — and found that the leaders were divided. According to the executive summary of the Pew Forum's report, "Slightly more reject the…
When the Louisiana state legislature adjourned on June 23, 2011, Senate Bill 70 (PDF) — which would have repealed the antievolution law in effect in the state since 2008 — died in committee. SB 70 was introduced by Karen Carter Peterson (D-District 5), but the driving force behind the repeal…
Eugenie C. ScottNCSE is pleased to announce the addition of a further batch of videos to NCSE's YouTube channel — bringing the total number of videos available there to over two hundred! Featured is NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott, explaining "Why evolution is difficult…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Francisco J. Ayala's Am I a Monkey? Six Big Questions about Evolution (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010). In the excerpt, Ayala addresses the title question, writing, "I am a primate. Monkeys are primates, but humans are not monkeys.…
"Creationism creeps into mainstream geology," a report by NCSE's Steven Newton, is the cover story of the July 2011 issue of Earth, published by the American Geological Institute. In his article, Newton discusses a geological field trip conducted during the annual meeting of the Geological Society…