Challenges to climate change education are common in the classroom, according to a poll of science educators conducted by the National Science Teachers Association. Although 60% of respondents to the on-line poll reported that they were not concerned about how climate change is taught in their…
Two recent webcast symposia on human evolution are now available on-line. First, Bones, Stones, and Genes: The Origin of Modern Humans — the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Holiday Lectures on Science for 2011 — is now available for on-demand viewing (and on DVD as well). The lectures address…
The chorus of support for the teaching of evolution continues, with a statement from the American Society of Naturalists, the oldest scientific society dedicated to the study of ecology, evolution, and behavior. "Evolution is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence from many disciplines,"…
Explore the Grand Canyon with NCSE! Seats are still available for NCSE's next excursion to the Grand Canyon — as featured in the documentary No Dinosaurs in Heaven. From July 16 to 24, 2012, NCSE will again explore the wonders of creation and evolution on a Grand Canyon river run conducted by NCSE…
Do you blog about evolutionary research? Then NESCent, the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, wants to send you to North Carolina to discuss science communication. Announcing its third annual blog contest, NESCent writes: To apply for an award, writers should submit a blog post that…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Leslie Brunetta and Catherine L. Craig's Spider Silk: Evolution and 400 Million Years of Spinning, Waiting, Snagging, and Mating (Yale University Press, 2010). The preview consists of the preface — which explains, "The evolution of spiders can help…
NCSE is pleased to announce the fifth issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education in its new on-line format. The issue — volume 31, number 5 — features Lorence G. Collins and Barbara J. Collins's article "Pleistocene Continental Glaciers: A Single Ice Age Following a Genesis…
The National Association of Biology Teachers recently issued a 2011 update of its statement on teaching evolution. Like its predecessors dating back to 1995, the statement affirms the scientific and pedagogical necessity of teaching of evolution: Just as nothing in biology makes sense except in…
James Krupa NCSE is delighted to congratulate James Krupa on being named the 2011 winner of the Four-Year College & University Section Biology Teaching Award from the National Association of Biology Teachers. The award honors a four-year college faculty member who demonstrates…