Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

  I'm taking a break from our IPCC reporting for Fossil Friday! This week's Fossil Friday, being modeled here by UCMP Director of Outreach Lisa White, may be a little too easy for some of you. Did this creature lay eggs or have live births?  Did it have gills or did it breathe air?…
The release of a new IPCC assessment, or even a new Summary for Policy Makers as we have at hand today (PDF), is legitimate cause for excitement. In no other field does a global body gather regularly to summarize the state of scientific research in a discipline, nor does one usually get to…
A slide from the IPCC press conference, tweeted by JPascal van Ypersele (@JPvanYpersele) Human influence has been detected in warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, in changes in the global water cycle, in reductions in snow and ice, in global mean sea level rise, and in changes in some climate…
A comment I often hear from chemistry teachers is that they are deeply interested in teaching students about climate change, but don’t see how it relates to chemistry. One might argue that climate change is all chemistry, but there are some really great places where the IPCC…
IPCC Working Group 1- Summary for Policy MakersHere's a graph from the IPCC WG1 SPM, as the above-referenced report is known for short, showing total cumulative carbon dioxide emisssions since 1870 in gigatons of carbon on the X axis and temperature anomoly above preindustrial levels on the Y axis…
If you are a teacher, you are no doubt in a daily battle to capture your students’ interest and attention. If time is short, classroom time is even shorter. The IPCC report is not something that should be missed; even a single class devoted to it could substantially change your students…
The 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC report is finally out! Or at least the Summary for Policymakers is out, and this is the part that teachers are going to want to use. This summary has oodles of pictures, figures and detailed information about the state of climate change, as well as…
A recent article by the editors of Scientific American (“The IPCC Has to Move Faster to Remain Relevant,” October 2013) offers multiple criticisms of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and suggests radical changes in what the organization does and how it conducts…
In yesterday’s first post in this occasional series, I mentioned the geological dating of the site of Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania—one of the most significant events in the history of discoveries in the human fossil record, and one which helps to illuminate the nature of creationist…