Science Is Constantly Evolving

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This week on the Fossil Friday, I bring you a fossil that might be a little too easy! No, it's not a sloth, but it is a relative of an animal many of you might actually have sitting at your feet right now. I won't give anything else away, but I'll demand many answers from you: What was this…
Recall that in part 1, I began with Woodrow Wilson’s famous endorsement of evolution, which Winterton Curtis quoted in his unheard testimony in the Scopes trial. Curtis solicited Wilson’s opinion in 1922, because a former student of his, F. E. Dean, lost his job as the superintendent of schools…
When we launched our online training sessions for science education advocates last fall, we started by surveying NCSE members about what they wanted to hear about. The most-requested topic was media training. I’m glad to say we’ll be doing a media training workshop tomorrow, February 27, at 11 a.m…
I recently took umbrage at Richard McNider and John Christy’s claims, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, to being like the “scientific skeptics” who “dared question” a “scientific consensus” of a flat Earth. The idea of a globular earth was first bruited about for theological/numerological/…
Richard McNider and John Christy, atmospheric scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, recently wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed defending their climate-change-denying views. The errors there are legion, with debunkings already posted by Joe Romm, Dana Nuccitelli, …
Once in a while, a journalist will ask a question that really makes me think. Such a question arose recently, when I was asked whether Missouri’s House Bill 1472—which I earlier said “would eviscerate the teaching of biology in Missouri”—was the worst antievolution bill to come down the pike in…
Coming soon to a mobile device, desktop, or conversation near you: the National Climate Assessment, or NCA, "an  important resource  for understanding  and communicating  climate change science and impacts in the United States." Required by Congress under The Global Change…
Perhaps there will be babblers who claim to be judges of astronomy although completely ignorant of the subject and, badly distorting some passage of Scripture to their purpose, will dare to find fault with my undertaking and censure it. I disregard them even to the extent of despising their…
Photo Credit: King.... via Compfight cc Last week, I showed you a fossil inspired by my recent trip to Washington, DC. Although the fossil in question came from Washington state. What was it? We got a lot of answers—most of them declared it was most certainly a sleeping cat!…