Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

Last week on Fossil Friday, I presented you with a tricky identification task. This egg-shaped rock was far afield from the jaws, spines and shells you've been used to. So what was this unique rock? It was a dinosaur gastrolith from the late Jurassic! What is a gastrolith? From the UCMP: "Lots…
The Friend of Darwin Award recognizes the Kitzmiller v. Dover legal team and a stalwart evolution writer. The new Friend of the Planet award recognizes an outspoken climate scientist and a revered writer It was the final legal nail in the coffin of creationism. In 2005, lawyers at Pepper…
Last week’s winner of Fossil Friday, GrizzlyD, requested that we do a pseudofossil this week. “I work at a museum and have to crush many hopes of ‘dinosaur eggs’ that are just round rocks,” he said. But why would I give you a pseudofossil, when I have a giant archive of real fossils…
NCSE is pleased to announce the next of a new series of on-line workshops aimed at broadening and deepening the networks that make our work possible. The next workshop focuses on involving students, who have a direct stake in the integrity of science education, in science education advocacy…
Historians of science Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, authors of Merchants of Doubt, have written a new book as ambitious as it is concise. The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future is told from the perspective of a Chinese historian several centuries in the…
In a so far successful effort to avoid having to unpack a bunch of boxes that are cluttering my office at the moment, I’m talking about four scientists cited in a footnote in William Jennings Bryan’s In His Image (1922), evidently to support Bryan’s assertion, “If Darwin had described…
"What are they teaching your kids about global warming?" asked National Journal (June 26, 2014). The answer is provided by "a patchwork of climate instruction guidelines that largely leaves teachers to their own devices, facilitating massive disparities in global-warming education from…
"Political debates surrounding climate change and creationism are now making their way into America's schools, as more states are deciding whether to adopt or reject new common science standards "that put a greater emphasis on controversial topics like global warming and evolution,"…
Did former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Treasury Secretary and Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson, and retired hedge fund-turned climate action advocate Tom Steyer–the three musketeers behind the just-published Risky Business report–ever see the 1983 movie Risky Business? Even if…