Science Is Constantly Evolving

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This past week on Fossil Friday, I presented a fossil from our fan Gerald Wilgus that was as big as a hippo! But it wasn't a hippo. It was the rhino, Teleoceras. Dave Puskala was the first to figure this out.  From UC Santa Cruz: "The extinct rhinoceros, known as Teleoceras…
When I had my first daughter, my good friend biologist and writer Joe Levine wrote me an email congratulating me on my fitness. He wasn’t the only one. With colleagues and friends gathered over a career in evolutionary biology, notes commenting on my successful passing on of my genes were pretty…
I was reading Clarence Darrow’s autobiography, The Story of My Life (1932), recently. It was engaging, although no doubt all of the obvious caveats about the objectivity and accuracy of autobiography apply. Three chapters are devoted to the Scopes case: chapter 29, “The Evolution Case…
This week on Fossil Friday, I bring you another fossil from our Fossil Fan, Gerald Wilgus. Gerald photographed this fossil while on his motorcycle adventure across the West. I felt like I could really relate to this fossil in particular—not because of its vegetarian lifestyle or love…
Last week, the Dallas Morning News wrote a report on the continuing efforts of the Institute of Creation Research (ICR) to demonstrate the scientific accuracy of the Bible, as the ICR understands it. But surprisingly, it wasn’t the description of ICR’s work to push a completely…
Having recently written no fewer than three blog posts (“Voliva!” “The Rim at the End of the World” and “Taking the Voliva Challenge”) on the idea that the Earth is flat, I found myself yearning for new worlds to conquer—hollow worlds in particular. Accordingly, armed with a copy of David…
What do ISO 14000 and 4-ESS3-1 have in common? Both are standards. The first is a family of standards from the International Organization for Standardization developed in 1996 to “help organizations…minimize how their operations (processes etc.) negatively affect the environment (i.e…
NCSE was involved in developing a series of guides for educators to use the National Climate Assessment to teach about the causes, effects, and risks of and possible responses to human-caused climate change. The guides focus on the regional chapters of the NCA, helping to unpack the key messages…
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I used to work for a textbook company. When I first started, there was a wonderful woman who was the departmental expert on anything related to the nature and process of science. She was the go-to person for all our introductory “this is science, kids!”…