Science Is Constantly Evolving

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One of the common objections to evolution goes something like this: “If evolution is true, then every living thing got here by random chance. But I’m too awesome (or this tree is too awesome, or this animal is too awesome, or this bacterial flagellum is too awesome, etc.) to have been brought…
The Darwin Day Roadshow is returning! The Roadshow is a project of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, in which NESCent staff shares their enthusiasm for evolutionary science with students, teachers, and the general public on the occasion of Charles Darwin's birthday, February 12.…
Last week on Fossil Friday, I gave you a nearly full skull! Surely you could figure this one out in no time.  It was a Borealosuchus sternbergii, an early crocodile. From the Prehistoric Wildlife site: “Borealosuchus was a mid-sized genus of crocodile, with the largest…
On October 6, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States declined (PDF, p. 10), without comment to hear John Freshwater's appeal of the Ohio Supreme Court's decision to uphold his termination as a middle school teacher. The decision brings the long and complicated controversy over Freshwater's…
This week’s Fossil Friday features the skull of an animal that is a little scary to me—let’s just say I wouldn’t want to come face to face with this fellow. According to my sources, this species was one of the lucky few to survive the K-T extinction. Though you may hear the ticking of a clock…
Bruce Alberts NCSE is pleased to congratulate Bruce Alberts on receiving the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest honor for achievement and leadership in science. In a press release issued on October 3, 2014, President Obama said of the most recent recipients of the…
What was I maundering about? Oh yes, the Science League of America’s essay contest in 1925, on the evergreen topic, “Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Our Schools Instead of the Book of Genesis,” with a top prize of $50. In part 1, I discussed the contest, its funder the freethought writer…
NCSE's Josh Rosenau and Mark McCaffrey were invited by the Houston Chronicle (September 30, 2014) to discuss the controversy over the treatment of climate science in social studies textbooks now under consideration by the Texas state board of education. "Today, climate change isn't…
NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line.The issue — volume 34, number 5 — contains William D. Anderson's "Evolution in the Sunshine State: Brandon Haught's Going Ape," Gregory Sandstrom's "…