Science Is Constantly Evolving

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A milestone: there are now over 90,000 fans of NCSE's Facebook page. Why not join them, by visiting the page and becoming a fan by clicking on the "Like" box by NCSE's name? You'll receive the latest NCSE news delivered straight to your Facebook Home page, as well as updates on evolution-related…
“How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!” was Thomas Henry Huxley’s reflection on reading Darwin’s Origin of Species. What might elicit such a reaction from a contemporary biologist? Today the question is answered by David P. Mindell. Currently Program Director in Systematics…
Jimmy Emerson, DVM Yesterday, Josh Rosenau warned about a state board of education hearing in West Virginia, and our hopes that the board would reverse a series of climate change-distorting revisions added late last month. It was standing room only at the meeting today as folks lined up to…
Photo from Kakela One of the most vivid early memories from my childhood was when Hurricane Gloria struck in the fall of 1985. I was 7 years old, living in a suburb of Boston and was completely confused about what was going on. What were hurricanes anyway?  Why did we need to stock the…
For the last few weeks, we’ve been tracking West Virginia’s flirtation with climate change denial in science standards. The state was on track to adopt NGSS, which emphasize evolution and climate change, and to fold in some material from their old standards as well. While that merger defeats…
“How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!” was Thomas Henry Huxley’s reflection on reading Darwin’s Origin of Species. What might elicit such a reaction from a contemporary biologist? Today the question is answered by Rudolf Raff, Distinguished Professor and James H. Rudy…
In his essay “On the Reception of the ‘Origin of Species,’” which was published in The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1887), Thomas Henry Huxley famously commented on how he himself received it: “My reflection, when I first made myself master of the central idea of the ‘Origin,’ was…
Rafters ponder their doom before rafting Lava Falls Last Monday, we reached the deadline for applications for the first ever NCSE Grand Canyon teacher scholarship. For the 141 applicants(!), this is the end of the hard part, but for those of us making the selection, it’s the start of a really…
It's time to dust off your Darwin costume again: less than a month remains before Darwin Day 2015! Colleges and universities, schools, libraries, museums, churches, civic groups, and just plain folks across the country — and the world — are preparing to celebrate Darwin Day, on or around…