Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Do I tire of skimming through creationist books from the Scopes era? I do not. And to prove it, I’ve been perusing “After Its Kind”: The First and Last Word on Evolution (1927), by Byron C. Nelson. According to his grandson Paul Nelson, who edited a reprint volume of his writings in a…
Could we combat science denial by getting scientists to play Rock Band with non-scientists? Well, that might just be crazy enough to work. A little background: I commute each day by bicycle and train, and there’s not quite enough time on the train to get any work done. For a while I listened to…
The American Federation of Teachers adopted a resolution in 2014 affirming the role of science in climate change courses. Observing that "the political will to see a specific outcome is not a proper justification to overthrow models resulting from the scientific process" and that "powerful…
Science Culture: Where Canada Stands, a new report (PDF) from the Council of Canadian Academies, includes data on Canadian public opinion about evolution and related topics. Presented with "Human beings as we know them today developed from earlier species of animals," 74% of…
I’m going to admit that I’ve been procrastinating on fulfilling this reader request for a while now. As any of you who are writers can attest, the hardest things to write about are those that you know a lot about and those that you know very little about. The sweet spot is somewhere in between,…
In an interview with the Texas Tribune, Texas’s junior US Senator made a notably odd remark. On the global warming alarmists, anyone who actually points to the evidence that disproves their apocalyptical claims, they don’t engage in reasoned debate. What do they do? They scream, “You’’re a…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Kristin Dow and Thomas E. Downing's The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge (University of California Press, 2011). The preview consists of thirteen full-color spreads with information on warning signs, polar…
This month on Friday Flicks, I bring you the third and final 2015 NCSE Friend of the Planet Award winner, Greg Craven. You might be familiar with Greg, who rocketed from mild-mannered high school science teacher to YouTube celebrity in a matter of weeks with his video, The Most Terrifying…
While exploring Israeli politicians’ views on evolution, and the similar rate at which the US and Israeli public rejects evolution, I wondered how the Israeli public would compare with Jews in the US. It seems more apt to compare the 5.4 million US Jews to the 6.1 million Israeli Jews (or 8…