Science Is Constantly Evolving

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NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview of Anurag Agrawal's Monarchs and Milkweed: A Migrating Butterfly, a Poisonous Plant, and Their Remarkable Story of Coevolution (Princeton University Press, 2017). The preview consists of chapter 2, "The Arms Race," in which Agrawal describes both…
NCSE bids farewell to Steven Newton, who joined NCSE as a Programs and Policy Director in 2008. During his time at NCSE, he helped grassroots activists across the country resist assaults on the integrity of science education, with a special emphasis at the community college level. As a geologist…
NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line. The issue — volume 38, number 1 — is the ninth issue in the newsletter's new, streamlined, and full-color format.Featured are Glenn Branch's account of…
Larry Flammer, a master biology teacher, died on December 13, 2017, at the age of 83, according to e-mail from his family. He was famous in the community of biology educators for his devotion to evolution education. He was largely responsible for the creation and administration of the website of…
In 2017, NCSE’s Science Booster Club program expanded nationally, providing free, engaging educational opportunities to more than 120,000 people in ten states: Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Virginia, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Maryland, Tennessee, and Texas. Our teacher micro-grant program also…
A beloved holiday tradition returns.’Twas the night before Kitzmas and all through the land,No creationist was stirring, not even Ken Ham;The briefs had been drafted and filed with great care,In hopes that Judge Jones’s decision’d be fair;The plaintiffs were nestled all snug in their beds…
A new report from the Yale Program on Climate Communication offers new data on Americans' beliefs and attitudes about climate change, with a particular emphasis on the influence of political views.Asked "Do you think that global warming is happening?" 72% of registered voters responding answered…
A new study suggests that textbooks that miseducate students about evolution and climate change may be in wide use in private schools that receive public funding through voucher or tax-credit schemes, according to Rebecca Klein in a lengthy article in the Huffington Post (December 7, 2017).In…