Farewell to Steven Newton

Steven Newton

NCSE bids farewell to Steven Newton, who joined NCSE as a Programs and Policy Director in 2008. During his time at NCSE, he helped grassroots activists across the country resist assaults on the integrity of science education, with a special emphasis at the community college level. As a geologist specializing in paleoclimatology, he was particularly valuable to NCSE both in conducting outreach to teachers in the earth sciences and to geologists and in preparing for NCSE's undertaking the defense of the teaching of climate change against ideological interference. With Josh Rosenau, he also conducted NCSE's Grand Canyon excursions. A gifted writer, he contributed articles to such venues as Earth, The Earth Scientist, New Scientist, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. In the past few years, his time was divided between NCSE and the College of Marin, where he teaches courses in geology and oceanography. All of us at NCSE wish him the best in his future endeavors.