Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Previously on the Science League of America Minda Berbeco interviewed her colleague Peter Hess. At the center of the interview was a situation that had arisen at the end of a class Minda had taught at Tufts University on evolution, where on the last day the students wanted to talk about the…
If the year 2000 didn’t usher in the Apocalypse or devastating computer problems, at least it brought with it a flurry of lists offering to rank the historical figures of the past millennium. So intense was the flurry that I compiled my own list of lists of the most important people or the greatest…
  The Heartland Institute recently conducted a mass mailing to K-12 and college teachers promoting its new “Climate Change Reconsidered” report. Heartland encouraged teachers to read the summary of the report and “use that work to inform your thinking—and your students—on this important…
Ever since reading Richard Holmes’s marvelous history The Age of Wonder, I’ve traced the links between poetry and science. While Age of Wonder is a history of British science between the days of Newton and those of Darwin, Holmes had previously written about the poets…
Last week on Fossil Friday I gave you a more challenging fossil—or at least the photo was more challenging!  Plus it came with a very special riddle. Dan Phelps was the first to correctly identify the skull. (See the comments section.)  Dan gets extra points because apparently he…
The Heartland Institute, the organization that brought you the widely spoofed Unabomber billboard, the faux International Climate Change Conference, and that has been working on a curriculum for middle and high school students designed to teach controversy and confusion, is at it again.…
There was some feedback on Facebook and on our blog, re: the Day of the Dead Fossil Fridays have been a little too easy. In order to taunt you at your maximum capacity, I've limited the photograph this week to only include the teeth. And I've asked Eric Meikle, one of our house…
It was exciting to see the good news that Randy W. Schekman, a member of NCSE, was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2013. But it wasn’t unprecedented, of course. A number of Nobel laureates have been members of NCSE over the years, including the late Francis Crick and the late…
TOLES Copyright 2013 The Washington Post. Used courtesy of the creator and Universal Uclick. All rights reserved. When the Kansas Board of Education voted in June 2013 to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards, I thought my former home state had finally broken free of its sad history of…