Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Not as cuddly as a bunny, but cute nevertheless, it’s Streptaster! One of the Edrioasteroidea, a class of echinoderm, Streptaster “is distinguished by the very high, long, and strongly curved ambulacra, all of which curve counterclockwise,” as the University of Georgia…
It’s a long weekend. We don’t want you to find yourself with nothing to read (or listen to). So here’s a long list of interesting articles and one podcast that will keep you supplied with plenty of science-based conversational fuel for your Memorial Day gatherings. Also, if you were running low on…
There are worse places to spend Independence Day than rafting on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is an iconically American site, one full of American history and the spirit of independence and exploration. Native tribes believe that the first humans emerged from one…
The biologist J. B. S. Haldane supposedly said that the discovery of a fossil rabbit in Cambrian or Precambrian—accounts differ—strata would definitively falsify evolution. The Ordovician would be dicey, too. Therefore, as you contemplate the Ordovician charmer above, do not substitute “bunny…
This week in Iowa we started advertising for NCSE’s Science Booster Club Project summer camp. We are really excited about this camp, which will give local kids, especially those from rural school districts, the opportunity to participate in a week-long daycamp. We’re going to go to…
I would hate for you to think that I was in a rut, bloggingwise, by constantly discussing the misleading use of quotations by Scopes-era, and even pre-Scopes-era, creationists. Here, then, for your delectation, is a bang-up-to-date example: Evolution’s science status problem is not [a] new…
Judy Scotchmoor NCSE is pleased to congratulate Judy Scotchmoor on receiving the Pojeta Award, which recognizes "exceptional professional or public service by individuals or groups in the field of paleontology above and beyond that of existing formal roles or responsibilities,"…
NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch reviewed Abby Hafer's The Not-So-Intelligent Designer (Cascade Books, 2015) for California Classroom Science. Hafer, he explained, argues "that intelligent design is refuted by the quirks and kinks, the makeshift solutions and haywire…
Wild times for NCSE’s Science Booster Clubs! In just the last ten days we’ve interacted with about a thousand people at various events. In my last blog post I wrote about how I planned to bring evolution into the conversation while teaching about the natural world. As our organization is…