Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

In part 1, I was talking about Henry F. Lutz, mentioned by Ronald L. Numbers in The Creationists (1992) as a mysterious “unidentified resident of Cincinnati” approached by William Jennings Bryan (right) as a prospective expert witness for the prosecution in the Scopes trial. Lutz was…
I recently returned from a trip to Australia, where I was lucky enough to get to visit the Great Barrier Reef. My partner and I spent 3 days on tiny Heron Island on the southern end of the reef. I’m not kidding about the tiny part; you can walk around the entire island in less than half an hour.…
Not so long ago, I was talking about Winterton Curtis, a professor of zoology at the University of Missouri, who was one of the expert witnesses prepared to testify for the defense in the Scopes trial. He didn’t in fact testify, because Judge Raulston, presiding over the trial, decided that the…
A few weeks ago, Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee that climate change is not caused by human activity.  Since I am strictly forbidden to write blogs for NCSE entitled, “OMG, WTF?” or ”What kind of nutter…
Last night was the much-anticipated premiere of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s new Cosmos series, which looks to be an amazing adventure that should spark the imagination of future scientists everywhere. We’ll have more to say about this later, but today I want to venture back in spacetime to Carl…
Photo Credit: Tony Fischer Photography via Compfight cc   Last week on Fossil Friday, I presented you with a coral from the Pleistocene which was a little tricky. Because it was a fossil, most commenters on Facebook and the blog assumed this critter no longer existed.…
The Baton Rouge Advocate (March 9, 2014) reaffirmed its editorial support (previously expressed in 2013) for the attempt to repeal Louisiana's so-called Science Education Act, which, Governor Bobby Jindal told NBC News in 2013, permits the teaching of creationism, including "intelligent…
Last week, on the Fossil Friday, I gave you a mandible with promises of more to come. But then I had a sort of lousy, rainy week, and ended up wandering into the Pleistocene and like, wow, forget mandibles! I had a close encounter with some pretty awesome sea life. So apologies to…
A few weeks ago, the Union of Concerned Scientists began its competition to find the most science-friendly President. In the opening round of the playoffs, which had preselected eight out of the 44 US Presidents, Abe (Lincoln) went head to head with Ike (Dwight David Eisenhower).…