Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

What was I maundering about? Oh yes, the Science League of America’s essay contest in 1925, on the evergreen topic, “Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Our Schools Instead of the Book of Genesis,” with a top prize of $50. In part 1, I discussed the contest, its funder the freethought writer…
NCSE's Josh Rosenau and Mark McCaffrey were invited by the Houston Chronicle (September 30, 2014) to discuss the controversy over the treatment of climate science in social studies textbooks now under consideration by the Texas state board of education. "Today, climate change isn't…
NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line.The issue — volume 34, number 5 — contains William D. Anderson's "Evolution in the Sunshine State: Brandon Haught's Going Ape," Gregory Sandstrom's "…
Burning fossil fuels. Rising atmospheric CO2 levels. Global warming. The 1-2-3 of climate change. As the GEICO ads say “everybody knows that!” But surveys suggest that, in fact, many people don’t understand this simple relationship. For example, the Yale Project on Climate Communication’s survey…
In addition to running the Creation Museum in Kentucky, Ken Ham writes a blog. I regularly read this blog because it provides me with a joyful cornucopia of mirth as well as unintentional revelations about how creationists think. Reading it is like eavesdropping on a conversation from an alternate…
You remember the Science League of America, don’t you? Founded by the polymath Maynard Shipley (shown here) in 1924, it fought antievolution legislation, helped teachers discharged for teaching evolution, argued for evolution in articles and letters to the editor in magazines and newspapers,…
Quick! What’s the definition of “evolution”? Don’t think, just answer! Got it? Okay. Did you say, “change over time”? I bet that most of you did. It’s the classic, benign definition. But the problem is that it can feed into a classic, not-so-benign, misconception. Which one? This one:
NCSE is pleased to announce the addition of Michael Haas, a businessman, entrepreneur, and climate activist, to its board of directors. "In the fight with climate change, knowledge is power," Haas explained. "But too many students are not learning what they need to know about climate change and…
Last week on Fossil Friday, I presented you with a biting challenge. Teeth from the Rancho La Brea tar pits that are so common, most people probably could identify this specimen without even looking. What was it? Teeth from a Canis dirus AKA a dire wolf. From the Prehistoric Wildlife…