Check out our entire series explaining the science involved in the coronavirus pandemic. Sign up to receive our coronavirus update each week.How do scientists figure out how long the novel coronavirus remains infectious on surfaces?
Just when you thought you had enough…
In this issue of RNCSE (40:2), we introduce a new twist to a beloved feature: Place and Time. This historical look at people, events, and locations that have shaped our understanding of evolution will now include similar examinations related to climate change. Spencer Weart, author of …
Check out our entire series explaining the science involved in the coronavirus pandemic. Sign up to receive our coronavirus update each week.Should we all wear masks? Will anti-malarial drugs be the cure we so desperately seek? And what about those poor pangolins?
Don’t use big words. Talk loudly. Don’t make people feel stupid.
Those are the three most common answers we get when we ask graduate students at the beginning of the NCSE Graduate Student Outreach Fellowship: What are the most important skills for communicating science effectively?
They aren’t…