Friend of the Planet Awards

NCSE's Friend of the Planet award is conferred annually to people (and occasionally organizations) whose efforts to support NCSE and advance its goals have been truly outstanding. The latest recipients are the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, directed by Edward W. Maibach, Lorne Trottier, and Dawn J. Wright.

NCSE's Friend of the Planet award

Previous Recipients

John P. Abraham
Richard Alley
Action for the Climate Emergency (formerly Alliance for Climate Education)
Climate Central
Climate Generation
the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
Climate One
Climate Parents
Greg Craven
Heidi Cullen
Andrew Dessler
Kerry Emanuel
Jacquelyn Gill
Katharine Hayhoe
Susan Joy Hassol
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Kelley T. Lê
Cathryn A. Manduca
Michael E. Mann
Frank Niepold
Dana Nuccitelli
Naomi Oreskes
the Paleontological Research Institution
Peter Sinclair
Skeptical Science
Marshall Shepherd
David W. Titley
Spencer Weart
the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.