Supporting Teachers

We help students overcome common misconceptions about climate change, evolution, and the nature of science.

Erin Stutzman

Biology, Geology, Earth Science
Timberline High School
2/23/18 - 6/30/21

Erin Stutzman is proud of the fact that her students were instrumental in helping fight for quality science standards in Idaho. She was the Idaho Environmental Education Association's Secondary Environmental Educator of the Year in 2016.  Stutzman enjoys working with other teachers, science educators, and community stakeholders to bring professional development opportunities, including NCSE's climate lessons, to Idaho teachers. She is completing her Ph.D. in educational leadership at the University of Idaho and is a finalist for the ee360 Community EE Fellowship from the North American Association for Environmental Education.

Teacher Talk: Erin, Idaho (Climate in the Classroom)
Meet the rest of NCSE's Teacher Ambassadors