Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

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At its August 10, 2017, meeting, the Idaho state board of education gave preliminary approval to a new set of state science standards, reports Idaho Education News (August 10, 2017). Earlier versions of standards discussing climate change and human impact on the environment were, as NCSE…
The Nebraska state board of education heard from the public about a proposed set of new state science standards (PDF), according to the Omaha World-Herald (August 7, 2017) — and climate change and evolution were front and center. "Michael Fryda, a science teacher at Westside High School and 2010…
The Aurora Sentinel (July 27, 2017) reviewed the state of climate change education in Colorado, observing, "teachers, scientists[,] and government officials agree the controversial topic is handled disparately across the state," owing to state science standards that "seek to teach the accepted…
Florida's new law making it easier for creationists and climate change deniers to harass their local school districts continues to be in the news.  The law (PDF), as NCSE previously reported, allows any county resident — not just parents as previously — to challenge instructional…
Florida's House Bill 989, aimed at empowering Floridians to object to the use of specific instructional materials in the public schools, was signed into law by Governor Rick Scott on June 26, 2017, according to the Tampa Bay Times (June 26, 2017). The bill was previously passed by both chambers…