Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

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New Mexico
New Mexico is now officially the nineteenth state to have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards. On November 14, 2017, the New Mexico Register (containing the state's administrative rules) was updated to specify that the NGSS, along with six New-Mexico-specific additions, would be the New…
On November 2, 2017, the Utah state board of education voted 10-4 to begin the process of revising the state science standards for elementary and high school — albeit "[o]ver objections that national science education standards push a political agenda on global warming and do not include…
New Mexico
"After facing an onslaught of opposition, New Mexico's Public Education Department officials on Wednesday decided to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards 'in their entirety,'" the Albuquerque Journal (October 25, 2017), reports. It is the third proposal for a new set of state science…
New Mexico
After a public hearing in Santa Fe in which the flawed science standards for New Mexico were consistently opposed, the Public Education Department is promising to restore part of the removed content on evolution, the age of the earth and climate change — but important concerns remain. As NCSE…
New Mexico
As the October 16, 2017, public hearing in Santa Fe on the new state science standards proposed for New Mexico approaches, there is no sign of the opposition to their omission of references to evolution, human responsibility for climate change, and the age of the earth abating. As NCSE…