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When Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 6032 (PDF) into law on March 27, 2018, the state of Washington committed to provide $4 million "to provide grants ... for science teacher training in the [N]ext [G]eneration [S]cience [S]tandards" — adopted in 2013 — "including training in the climate…
When the Idaho legislature adjourned sine die on March 28, 2018, a three-year-long struggle over new state science standards ended, with a generally positive outcome. As NCSE previously reported, in 2016, the legislature rejected a proposed set of science standards altogether, ostensibly on the…
A pair of "Campus Free Speech Acts," Assembly Bill 299 and Senate Bill 250, died in the Wisconsin legislature on March 28, 2018, when they failed to meet a deadline. The bills in question would have required the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin system to adopt a policy on free…
Senate Resolution 33 (PDF), introduced in the Louisiana Senate on March 20, 2018, would, if passed, commend a former state senator "on his support and endorsement of teaching creationism in public schools." The resolution would honor Bill Keith, who sponsored Louisiana's Balanced Treatment for…
Idaho's House Concurrent Resolution 60 (PDF), introduced by the House Education Committee on March 12, 2018, would, if enacted, delete a single standard — ESS 3-4-1 — from the proposed science standards currently under legislative review.  ESS 3-4-1 explicitly mentions environmental impacts…