Catalyzing Action

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"Some private schools in Florida that rely on public funding teach students that dinosaurs and humans lived together," reports the Orlando Sentinel (June 1, 2018).  The newspaper surveyed "151 private schools newly approved by the education department to take scholarships for the 2017-18…
"Evolution should remain part of the science standards for Arizona public high schools, despite what is being proposed by the state's top school official, Gov. Doug Ducey [R] said Monday [May 28, 2018]", the Arizona Daily Star (May 28, 2018) reported. As NCSE previously reported, staffers at…
In a May 15, 2018, letter (PDF) to Arizona's Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas, the Association for Science Education — representing the United Kingdom's community of science educators — expressed its opposition to the changes to the Arizona draft science standards that compromised…
"School Superintendent Diane Douglas is apparently behind a rewrite of science standards for all Arizona school children that would delete references to evolution," reports KPHX (May 18, 2018) in Phoenix. As NCSE previously reported, staffers at the Arizona state department of education tampered…
When the Louisiana state legislature adjourned sine die on May 18, 2018, Senate Resolution 33 (PDF), which would have commended a former state senator "on his support and endorsement of teaching creationism in public schools," died. The resolution would have honored Bill Keith,…