Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

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The Arizona state board of education voted 6-4 to adopt a new set of state science standards at its October 22, 2018, meeting. These standards were recently revised in accordance with recommendations from the Arizona Science Teachers Association to restore the concepts of speciation and common…
"Parents and teachers on Monday [September 24, 2018] rallied outside an Arizona Board of Education meeting, and then took turns during the meeting blasting a proposal to remove references to evolution and climate change from state science standards," reported the Arizona Republic (September 24,…
In a September 20, 2018, letter (PDF), the American Institute of Biological Sciences called on the Arizona state board of education to reject draft science standards that are to be presented to the board at its September 24, 2018, meeting. AIBS expressed concern that the standards "fail to…
As the latest draft (PDF) of a new set of state science standards for Arizona is apparently on its way to the state board of education for its approval, concerns about the compromised treatment of evolution remain — and have been now joined by concerns about the deletion of material about…
"Concerned that environmental groups were winning the hearts and minds of Texas schoolchildren — filling their heads with statements of the ills of fossil fuels — a politically connected Texas natural gas industry advocacy group devised a plan to fight back," reported the Austin…