Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

Find the latest news on evolution and climate change education in your state.

South Dakota
South Dakota's House Bill 1113 (PDF), which would require local school boards to adopt a code of ethics to prevent "political or ideological indoctrination," was defeated in the House Education Committee on February 11, 2019, when the committee voted 11-3 to defer further consideration…
Montana's House Bill 418 would, if enacted, dignify a litany of inaccurate and misleading claims about climate change as legislative findings, and call for those findings to be offered "when providing education and informational materials on climate change."  The bill would also ask the…
Virginia's House Joint Resolution 684, which would urge local school boards to adopt a code of ethics to prevent "political or ideological indoctrination," died in the House Rules Committee on February 5, 2019, after a subcommittee voted 7-0 to recommend "passing [it] by indefinitely." As Ars…
South Carolina
South Carolina's House Bill 3826 would, if enacted, allow public school districts to offer elective courses on religion — and to "require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life, including creation science[,] as part of the course content." The teaching of creation…
South Dakota
South Dakota's House Bill 1270, which would allow the misrepresentation of science in the classroom, was introduced on January 30, 2019. If enacted, HB 1270 would require, "No teacher may be prohibited from helping students understand, analyze, critique, or review in an objective scientific…