Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

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New York
A bill in the New York Senate would, if enacted, establish a climate change education grant program "to award grants to eligible applicants to support climate change education grant programs for young people or to provide optional teacher training or professional development programs relevant to…
Public schools in Florida are not teaching about climate change consistently or adequately, according to a detailed story in the Bradenton Herald (November 2, 2019).  "Though it starts to broach the subject of climate change, along with greenhouse gases and fossil fuels, even Florida's…
As Pennsylvania begins the process of revising its 17-year-old state science standards, there is concern that the process will "ignite political battles" over the treatment of evolution and climate change, the Pennsylvania Capital-Star (October 16, 2019) reports. "Educators expect that…
Louisiana's Senate Resolution 224 (PDF), introduced on May 31, 2019, and adopted on the following day, commends Gene Mills, the president of the Louisiana Family Forum, in part because "he was the driving force behind the Louisiana Science Education Act in 2008." The act, implemented as…
When a bill that would require Massachusetts's state science standards to "include only peer-reviewed and age-appropriate subject matter" was discussed in the Joint Committee on Education on July 9, 2019, the sponsor explained that it would keep climate change denial out of the science classroom…