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Science Excellence for All Ohioans, listed on their web site as a project of the American Family Association of Ohio, has posted on its web site a list of changes it would like to see incorporated into the new Ohio Science Standards. The purpose of the changes is to bring intelligent design into…
Science Excellence for All Ohioans (SEAO), a group described on their web site as a project of the American Family Association of Ohio, claims that the biggest problem in science education in Ohio is the "censoring" of "evidence for design." Their mission includes lobbying for changes in the…
House Bill 1323 was introduced in the General Assembly in January and referred to the Education Committee. The text of the bill reads: "Sec. 18. The governing body of a school corporation may require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life, including creation science, within…
by Eric Meikle House Concurrent Resolution 74 was introduced in the legislature in April 2001, and referred to the Education Committee. As introduced, this resolution opposed racism. It then asserted that Charles Darwin and his books promoted the justification of racism, and that Adolf Hitler…
House Bill 4705 was introduced in the legislature in May 2001, and referred to the Education Committee. As with HB 4382, four Education Committee members are co-sponsors of this bill. As of this writing, the bill has not been heard in committee. The complete text of HB 4705 reads: "SEC. 1164. (1)…