Catalyzing Action

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On July 9, the Texas Board of Education held its first public hearing allowing the public to comment on biology textbooks proposed for adoption. Local papers reported attendance at over 200. Nearly all of the three dozen speakers defended the teaching of evolution against a report that disputed the…
South Carolina
On April 29 the South Carolina Senate passed S153 and forwarded it to the House of Representatives, where it was referred to the Committee on Education and Public Works. This bill originally dealt with instructional materials for public schools. On April 9 Sen. Michael Fair proposed an amendment…
The Louisiana House of Representatives is considering a bill, HB 1782, that "prohibits any branch, department, agency, official, employee, or other entity of state government or of any political subdivision from knowingly printing or distributing material that contains information that is false or…
On April 3, the Blount County Board of Education voted not to adopt three high school biology textbooks because they do not present creationism alongside evolution, according to The Daily Times. The vote to reject the textbooks was 6-1 (contrary to the The Daily Times's previous report that the…
The Blount County Board of Education rejected the adoption of three new biology textbooks because they present evolution but do not present creationism, The Daily Times, Maryville, Tennessee, reported on April 5. The vote to reject the textbooks passed 2 to 1, with four board members declining to…