Catalyzing Action

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On February 19, the Georgia Department of Education released revised versions of proposed new science standards, with major changes in the sections dealing with evolution. When the drafts of the Georgia Performance Standards for Science were first released for public comment in January, the word "…
On February 17, Senate Bill 336 -- entitled the "Academic Freedom Act" -- was introduced in the Alabama state Senate and referred to the Senate Education Committee. (A similar bill, HB391, was introduced in the Alabama House of Representatives on February 12, and referred to the House's Education…
More than 250 Missouri scientists and educators have released a statement opposing proposed legislation requiring equal time for "intelligent design" whenever evolution is taught. House Bill 911 in the Missouri General Assembly was filed earlier this year, and has been receiving attention within…
On Friday, November 7, the Texas State Board of Education (SBoE) voted 11-4 to place all submitted high school and advanced placement (AP) biology books on the “conforming” list, making them eligible for adoption by local districts. The books' coverage of evolution -- in particular, whether they…
On November 6, 2003, the Texas Board of Education voted to place all eleven biology textbooks under consideration on the approved list, despite protests of antievolutionist groups about the treatment of evolution in the books. The 11-4 vote was preliminary, and the final vote will take place on…