Catalyzing Action

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by Nick Matzke On June 11, 2005, the Anchorage Daily News reported that the treatment of evolution in Alaska's state science standards had been strengthened at the last moment by the Alaska State Board of Education. On June 10, the Board voted 9-0 to include the standard, "A student should ...…
Utah is abuzz with the news that a state senator plans to introduce legislation to teach "divine design" in the state's public schools. Not so long ago, a Deseret Morning News article on evolution education in Utah referred to "Utah's non-war over evolution." Writing in the March 19, 2005, issue…
When the legislative session of the Missouri House of Representatives ended on May 13, 2005, House Bill 35 died in the Education Committee. HB 35 provided that:   All biology textbooks sold to the public schools of the state of Missouri shall have one or more chapters containing a critical…
The Kansas Board of Education hearings on proposed revisions to the state science standards, which were widely condemned as a kangaroo court or show trial, commenced on May 5, 2005 in Topeka, Kansas. Testifying before three antievolutionist members of the board, a parade of witnesses expressed…
New York
Assembly Bill 8036, introduced on May 3, 2005, and referred to the Committee on Education, would require that "all pupils in grades kindergarten through twelve in all public schools in the state ... receive instruction in both theories of intelligent design and evolution." It also charges New York'…