Catalyzing Action

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New York
When the New York State Assembly's legislative session ended on June 24, 2005, Assembly Bill 8036 died in committee. If enacted, the bill would have required that "all pupils in grades kindergarten through twelve in all public schools in the state ... receive instruction in both theories of…
  The Pennsylvania House subcommittee on basic education held hearings on June 20, 2005, on House Bill 1007, which would allow school boards to include "intelligent design" in any curriculum containing evolution and allow teachers to use, subject to the approval of the board, "supporting…
Following the widely criticized "kangaroo court" hearings on evolution in May 2005, the place of evolution in the Kansas state science standards remains unsettled. The standards have been revised along the lines suggested by local advocates of "intelligent design," and are to be reviewed by the…
South Carolina
On June 1, 2005, a bill modeled on the so-called Santorum language stripped from the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was introduced in the South Carolina Senate and referred to the senate's Committee on Education. If enacted, S. 909 would require that:   In the promulgation of…
by Nick Matzke On June 11, 2005, the Anchorage Daily News reported that the treatment of evolution in Alaska's state science standards had been strengthened at the last moment by the Alaska State Board of Education. On June 10, the Board voted 9-0 to include the standard, "A student should ...…