Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

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Oakland, March 25 Over 50 scientific societies representing hundreds of thousands of American scientists today publicly urged the Texas Board of Education to support accurate science education. The board—dominated by creationists—has been embroiled in a debate over changes to the Texas science…
When the Alabama legislative session ended on May 15, 2009, House Bill 300, the so-called Academic Freedom Act, died in committee. If enacted, HB 300 would have purportedly protected "the right of teachers identified by the United States Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard to present scientific…
When the Missouri legislative session ended on May 15, 2009, House Bill 656 died, without ever having been assigned to a committee. If enacted, HB 656 would have required state and local education administrators to permit teachers to "to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review in…
With the close of the regular legislative session in Florida on May 1, 2009, Senate Bill 2396 apparently died in committee. If enacted, the bill would have amended a section of Florida law to require "[a] thorough presentation and critical analysis of the scientific theory of evolution." The bill…
Since the March 2009 decision of the Texas state board of education to adopt a set of flawed state science standards, media coverage has increasingly emphasized the possible consequences. As NCSE previously reported, although creationists on the board were unsuccessful in inserting the…