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House Bill 368 passed the Tennessee House of Representatives on a 72-23 vote on March 26, 2012, the Chattanooga Times Free Press (March 26, 2012) reports. The bill would encourage teachers to present the "scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses" of topics that arouse "debate and…
The National Association of Biology Teachers expressed its opposition to Tennessee's "monkey bills" — House Bill 368 and Senate Bill 893 — in a letter to Governor Bill Haslam. The bills, which if enacted would encourage teachers to present the "scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses" of "…
"The Senate approved a bill Monday evening that deals with teaching of evolution and other scientific theories," the Knoxville News-Sentinel (March 19, 2012) reported, adding, "Critics call it a 'monkey bill' that promotes creationism in classrooms." The bill in question is Senate Bill 893, which…
Adding to the chorus of disapproval of Tennessee's "monkey bills" — House Bill 368 and Senate Bill 893 — are the two leading associations of K-12 geology educators: the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and the National Earth Science Teachers Association. The bills, if enacted, would…
The American Institute of Biological Sciences denounced Tennessee's "monkey bills" — House Bill 368 and Senate Bill 893 — as "bad for science, science education, and the future economic health of well being of Tennessee" in letters sent to the leadership of the Tennessee General Assembly (PDF)…