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Tennessee "is seeking to join a number of states in which evolution is being questioned," the Los Angeles Times (April 1, 2012) editorially observed. "That's dumb." Referring to House Bill 368, which would encourage teachers to present the "scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses" of…
Oklahoma's House Bill 1551, one of two bills attacking the teaching of evolution and of climate change active in the Oklahoma legislature during 2012, is now in effect dead, according to Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education. Originally introduced in 2011, HB 1551 was rejected by the…
Tennessee's House Bill 368 was sent to Governor Bill Haslam on March 29, 2012 — and columnists in newspapers across the state are continuing to press the case against the bill. Nicknamed the "monkey bill" by former Speaker of the House Jimmy Naifeh, HB 368 would encourage teachers to present the…
As Oklahoma's House Bill 1551 is under consideration in a state senate committee, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Association of Biology Teachers, and the National Association of Geoscience Teachers have all expressed their opposition to the bill, which would…
Eugenie C. Scott While visiting Murfreesboro, Tennessee, to speak at Middle Tennessee State University, NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott discussed the state's "monkey bills" with the Daily News Journal (March 26, 2012). Speaking before the House accepted the Senate version of the bill on…