Catalyzing Action

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As I mentioned before (and as discussed in the TFN/NCSE press release), evolution was the main focus of denialist comments in the Texas textbook reviews. But given a chance, the creationists were happy to attack climate science, too. Climate change isn’t part of the biology standards in Texas (…
Despite the recommendation of the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Board of Education, a legislative committee voted not to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards for the state. At its September 11, 2013, meeting, the Kentucky legislature's Administrative Regulation Review…
In June 2013, the Kentucky board of education voted to approve new statewide science standards. Kentucky was one of 26 states that helped draft the Next Generation Science Standards, so it was little surprise that the board adopted those standards easily. Kansas and Rhode Island had already adopted…
Yesterday, NCSE and the Texas Freedom Network issued a joint press release about internal documents demonstrating how creationists and climate change deniers tried to take over the Texas textbook adoption process. By securing seats on review committees, the science deniers tried to rewrite…
Seventy-nine percent of Californians accept that global warming is happening, according to a new report (PDF) from the Yale Project on Climate Communication. More than half accept that human activity is responsible for global warming, and more than half accept that there is a consensus among the…