Catalyzing Action

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The Kansas Republican Party recently adopted a resolution that calls on state leaders to "prohibit adoption of any standards that require the state to cede any measure of control over their drafting and revision, including but not limited to the Next Generation Science Standards," the Lawrence…
In 2009, when the Texas state board of education revised the state science education standards, creationists led by Don McLeroy (then the board chairman and a dentist, now only a dentist) pushed hard to add a standard requiring students to “analyze and evaluate scientific explanations concerning…
The decision in Kentucky to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards was editorially praised by the Louisville Courier-Journal (September 15, 2013). As NCSE previously reported, on September 11, 2013, Governor Steve Beshear announced that he would implement the standards on his own authority…
I sent an email out to NCSE’s members in Texas about next Tuesday's hearing about textbooks before the Texas state board of education, but it occurs to me that some of you who read the blog and live in Texas may, inexplicably, not be members yet. So if you didn’t get the email (or got it and haven…
On September 11, 2013, Kentucky's governor Steve Beshear announced that he "plans to implement the new Kentucky Next Generation Standards under his own authority," as the Lexington Herald-Leader (September 11, 2013) reports. The announcement follows on the heels of the Kentucky legislature's…