Catalyzing Action

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It's a joy to be able to report on a sweeping victory for science education in Texas, and to be able to give an eyewitness report of the fight over the textbooks that will be used in that massive textbook market for years to come. The 2009 battle over Texas science standards made it quite…
The integrity of science education triumphed in Texas when the state board of education gave its final approval to all of the proposed textbooks for high school biology and environmental science courses at its November 22, 2013, meeting. NCSE's Joshua Rosenau, who testified before the board on…
I'm here in Austin, Texas, waiting for the Texas State Board of Education to finish their morning agenda (at 5:00 p.m.) and move on to science textbooks. While we wait for the fun to begin, here's the statement I plan to deliver. Madam Chair, members of the board: My name is Joshua Rosenau, and…
When the Texas state board of education held its final public hearing on science textbook adoption on November 20, 2013, NCSE's Joshua Rosenau was on hand to present the board with a statement urging the adoption of the textbooks endorsed by no fewer than fifty-one scientific and educational…
On Wednesday afternoon, I’ll be back in Austin, Texas, attending the state board of education hearings on textbook adoptions. I reported on the September hearings, which set the stage, but this week will bring Acts II and III, after which it may be curtains for Texas science textbook battles at the…