Catalyzing Action

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Virginia's House Bill 207 died in the House Education Committee on February 11, 2014, when a deadline for bills to pass their house of origin passed. The bill, which would have deprived administrators of the ability to prevent teachers from miseducating students about "scientific…
The American Institute of Biological Sciences expressed its opposition to Oklahoma's Senate Bill 1765 (document), which, if enacted, would deprive administrators of the ability to prevent teachers from miseducating students about "scientific controversies." Although no scientific topics are…
Missouri's House Bill 1472, which would require school districts to allow parents to have their children excused from learning about evolution, is in the headlines, after the bill was referred to the House Committee on Elementary and Secondary Education on February 3, 2014. Interviewed…
South Dakota
South Dakota's Senate Bill 112, which would, if enacted, provide that "[n]o school board or school administrator may prohibit a teacher in public or nonpublic school from providing instruction on intelligent design or other related topics," was killed in the Senate Education Committee on February…
South Dakota
"A South Dakota lawmaker wants public school teachers to be free to teach intelligent design in their classrooms even though courts have ruled intelligent design is inherently religious — and therefore unconstitutional in school," according to a report from KMEG 14, headquartered in Sioux…