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Editorialists and columnists in Wyoming are irate with the state government after the state board of education decided not to implement the Next Generation Science Standards. As NCSE previously reported, a footnote in Wyoming's budget for 2014-2016 precluded the use of state …
Hawaii's House Resolution 145, which would have designated February 12 of each year as Darwin Day "to celebrate all of Charles Darwin's achievements in the field of science," died in committee on April 10, 2014, when a legislative deadline passed. The resolution was unusual in…
At its April 11, 2014, meeting, the Wyoming state board of education decided not to implement the Next Generation Science Standards, instead turning to a state department of education committee for further guidance. As NCSE previously reported, a footnote in Wyoming's budget for 2014-2016…
South Carolina
The South Carolina House of Representatives rejected the Senate's version of House Bill 4482 — which refers to the Sixth Day of Creation — on a 72-30 vote on April 9, 2014. As NCSE previously reported, HB 4482 was intended to designate the Columbian mammoth as the official state fossil…
South Carolina
Was the mammoth "created on the Sixth Day with the other beasts of the field"? According to the Senate version of House Bill 4482 in South Carolina, it was. HB 4482, as introduced in the House on January 14, 2014, designated the woolly mammoth as the official state fossil of South Carolina.…