Catalyzing Action

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The New York Times (May 19, 2014) covered the Wyoming legislature's decision to block the Next Generation Science Standards because of their treatment of climate change.  The story explains, "In Wyoming, after 18 months of study and comparison with standards from other states, a committee…
South Carolina
The Columbian mammoth is now the official state fossil of South Carolina after Governor Nikki Haley signed House Bill 4482 into law on May 16, 2014 — and there was no mention of the Sixth Day of Creation. As NCSE previously reported, the bill was introduced at the behest of eight-year-old…
Two antievolution bills died in committee in the Missouri House of Representatives on May 16, 2014, when the legislature adjourned. House Bill 1472 would have, if enacted, required school districts to allow parents to have their children excused from learning about evolution: "Any school…
A committee in the Oklahoma House of Representatives voted to reject a new set of science standards, primarily over concerns about its treatment of climate change. The state board of education unanimously voted to adopt the new standards on March 25, 2014. The new Oklahoma Academic Standards for…
South Carolina
The Columbian mammoth is on track to become the official state fossil of South Carolina, with no mention of its appearance on the Sixth Day of Creation.  As NCSE previously reported, after the South Carolina House passed House Bill 4482 in February 2014, the Senate amended it to add "as…