California's bill to support climate change education through voluntary tax contributions dies

California state flag.

California's Assembly Bill 3051 — which would, if enacted, have allowed the state's taxpayers donate funds to the K–12 Climate Change Education Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund while filing their state taxes — died in committee on August 31, 2024, when the legislature adjourned.

Donated funds would have been used to "award grants to school districts, county offices of education, resource conservation districts, district and county office of education partnerships with higher education institutions, and community-based nongovernmental organizations focused on environmental and climate change education."

The bill was introduced by Al Muratsuchi (D-District 66) on February 16, 2024, and was amended twice thereafter; it was passed by the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee but then was referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, where it received no vote.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.