California Youth Climate Action Day proposal dies

Youth engaged in a climate activity.

California's Assembly Concurrent Resolution 162 died in the Senate Rules Committee when the California legislature adjourned on August 31, 2024. The resolution passed the Assembly on a 65-0 vote on May 9, 2024, as NCSE previously reported.

If adopted, the resolution would have established California Youth Action Climate Day, "to honor and support the efforts of young people in their pursuit of environmental sustainability, climate justice, and the preservation of biodiversity."

The resolution notes that climate change "is a consequence of human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels" and recognizes "the importance of educating and engaging young people in environmental stewardship and climate action."

If adopted, the resolution would have encouraged institutions, including schools, and individuals to observe California Youth Climate Action Day every September 20 with appropriate activities, including activities that promote awareness of climate change.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.