Our People
Meet our team of scientists, educators, entrepreneurs, designers, and dreamers.
Meet our team of scientists, educators, entrepreneurs, designers, and dreamers.
Kenneth R. Miller is Professor of Biology and Royce Family Professor for Teaching Excellence at Brown University. His honors include the AAAS's Award for Public Understanding of Science and Technology as well as NCSE's Friend of Darwin award. He testified for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover. His books include Finding Darwin's God (1999), Only a Theory (2008), and The Human Instinct (2018). He became president of NCSE's board of directors in 2017.
Michael Haas is the founder of Orion Renewable Energy Group LLC and the co-founder of RDC Developments Ltd. He also founded Alliance for Climate Education, a non-profit organization that presents climate change and solutions to millions of high school students. He joined NCSE's board of directors in 2014 and became its treasurer in 2019.
Sarah B. George is the Chief Philanthropy Officer for the main campus of the University of Utah. She oversees development for the academic colleges and areas (non-health), serves on the executive team for the University’s Advancement program, and is engaged in managing the University’s $2 billion comprehensive campaign, Imagine New Heights. Previously, for almost 27 years, she was Executive Director of the Natural History Museum of Utah, which provides science education outreach and traveling exhibits to urban and rural communities statewide, serving more than 450,000 people annually both on and off site. She joined NCSE's board of directors in 2020.
Fouad Abd-El-Khalick is Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and recipient of the Distinguished Contributions to Science Education through Research Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. His research program has focused on teaching and learning about nature of science in K-12 science classrooms and science teacher education settings.
Leonardo Banchik is Investment Director at Voyager, an early-stage climate and deep-tech venture fund. He is a former founding Climate Tech Partner at Global Founders Capital and McKinsey alumnus focused on sustainable investing and energy transition strategy. He was product innovation lead at Sandymount and a founder of startup OleoSep. He received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from MIT as an NSF Fellow, and previously served as a scientist at two US national labs and researcher at the Department of Energy.
Prosanta Chakrabarty is the George H. Lowery Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and Curator of Fishes at the Museum of Natural Science at Louisiana State University. He is a TED Senior Fellow, an Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Fulbright Distinguished Chair, and a National Geographic Certified Educator. He is also the author of a recent popular book, Explaining Life Through Evolution (MIT Press, 2023).
Maya Garcia is the Chief Program Officer at Beyond100K. A former classroom science teacher, Garcia previously served as Science and STEM Specialist for the Colorado Department of Education and as the director of STEM for the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education, where she was instrumental in the adoption and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. She has served as the president of the DC Science Teachers Association and has received a Fulbright Distinguished Teaching Award. She also serves on the National Academies Board on Science Education.
Joseph L. Graves Jr. is Professor of Biology at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, where he studies the genomics of adaptation as well as biological and social concepts of race in humans. He is the author of The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium (2003), The Race Myth: Why We Pretend Race Exists in America (2004), and (with Alan Goodman) Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (2021). He joined NCSE's board of directors in 2021.
Tom Matzzie is founder and Chief Executive Officer of CleanChoice Energy, a renewable energy developer and independent power producer providing clean energy to homes and businesses. He is also chair of the Coalition to Power America, a clean-tech industry advocacy and education organization. Prior to founding CleanChoice, Matzzie led advocacy and political efforts on behalf of various causes and campaigns. He studied economics at the University of Notre Dame.
Eric Rothschild is Litigation Director at the National Student Legal Defense Network (Student Defense), a non-profit that works through litigation and other advocacy to advance students' rights to educational opportunity and to ensure that higher education provides a launching point for economic mobility. In 2005 he served as lead counsel in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, the landmark case that established that the teaching of "intelligent design" in public school science class violates the First Amendment principle of separation of church and state.
J. Marshall Shepherd is the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia. He is also the Director of the Atmospheric Sciences Program and a former President of the American Meteorological Society. He was elected to the National Academy of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021. His many honors include NCSE's Friend of the Planet award in 2021.
Sims is Associate Dean of Students and Certification Officer in the College of Education at the University of Alabama. She works with numerous Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) site teams across the United States. Her engagement with education is both broad and deep: before taking her present position, she taught at the K-12 level, the community college level, and the university level, and served as a member of the board of education of the Jacksonville (Alabama) City School System.