The bill to codify the California Center for Climate Change passes

California state flag.

California's Assembly Bill 3142 — which would, if enacted, codify the California Center for Climate Change at West Los Angeles College in the Los Angeles Community College District and establish the California Mobile Unit for Climate Change Education — was passed by the Senate on a 36-0 vote on August 20, 2024, and now proceeds to the governor's desk.

In 2022, Assembly Bill 1913 sought to establish the California Center for Climate Change with a $5 million appropriation, as NCSE previously reported. Although the bill died in committee, the center was nevertheless established in 2023, with the aid of a $5 million allocation in the 2022 state budget and a further $1.3 million of federal funding.

Like Assembly Bill 1913, Assembly Bill 3142 would amend the state's education code to include a description of the center's mission ("to promote climate change education at the California Community Colleges and establish opportunities for students to engage in hands-on internships and other learning opportunities"), activities, and responsibilities.

The bill would also establish the California Mobile Unit for Climate Change Education to aid the center in its provision of opportunities for students to engage in hands-on internships and the like. Originally a further $1.5 million would have been allocated for the purpose, but the bill was amended to make the allocation conditional on a separate approval by the legislature.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.