Welcome to Climate Change Education Corner

One World sign

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

Climate Change Education Corner, a new series on the National Science Teaching Association's blog, features posts with helpful information, insights, and resources for science educators about climate change and climate change education, produced by NCSE and NSTA in collaboration. New posts will appear every quarter.

In the first installment (December 16, 2021), NCSE's Executive Director Ann Reid offers "A Holiday Recipe for Science Teachers: Build Trust, Find Common Ground, and Model Scientific Thinking."

Summarizing her discussion, Reid writes, "When teaching about climate change, evidence suggests that beginning your year by building a strong foundation of trust and a basic understanding of how science works will stand you in good stead when you prepare to teach the topics you know are touchy in your community."

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.
