RNCSE 39:4 now online

NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education — volume 39, number 4 — is now available online. 

Featured are Kate Carter’s report on NCSE's work equipping Smithsonian volunteers to tackle difficult conversations, Paul Oh's interview of Anthony Leiserowitz of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, Kate Carter's introduction to a new cohort of NCSE’s Graduate Student Outreach Fellows, Randy Moore's discussion of William Jennings Bryan and John Scopes in Salem, Illinois; and Adam M. Goldstein's review of J. David Archibald’s Charles Darwin: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works.

The entire issue is freely available (PDF) on NCSE's website. Members of NCSE will be receiving it in printed form shortly. (Not a member? Join today!)

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.
