NCSE's Science Booster Club Program in the literature

JCOM logoA study showing that NCSE's Science Booster Club Program's no-conflict approach increased community science literacy and engagement was just published in JCOM Journal of Science Communication. The article concluded:

NCSE's SBC program performed well in its pilot stage, generating significant community engagement and correlating with increased community science literacy over time. The conclusion that public informal education on the potentially controversial topics of climate change and evolution can be acceptable and even welcomed in socially and politically conservative communities in the United States may come as a surprise to some readers. The pilot shows that diverse communities have a significant interest in learning about these topics, and that there appears to be great potential for civil discourse and engagement. As the program expands, we plan to continue to measure its impact on communities' impressions, opinions, and feelings about climate change, evolution, and science in general.

NCSE's Science Booster Club Program was originally launched by Emily Schoerning, the author of the JCOM study, in 2015, and is now under the guidance of Kate Carter, who replaced Schoerning in the summer of 2018.