NCSE's Andrews featured in two articles about science education

NCSE Director of Teacher Support Lin Andrews

NCSE's Director of Teacher Support Lin Andrews was recently featured in not one but two articles about science education.

In LAist's "Teaching climate change in the classroom is a challenge — but experts want to help" (April 25, 2021), Andrews explained that the best way to teach climate justice issues is to allow students to "come to the conclusion themselves that it's not an equal story — that different areas are being affected in different ways." She cautioned, "it takes a lot of practice to have these conversations without it becoming political."

And in K-12 Dive's "How to weave real-world phenomena into science lessons" (April 21, 2021), she commented on the importance of including a discussion of solutions in science lessons about topics that present threats, like climate change or COVID-19. Students, she said, "want to know, 'Should I be worried about the environment?' And the answer is yes. But we also want to have them look at what we can do to fix it, and what they can do to help."

Learn more about the activities of NCSE's Supporting Teachers program, which Andrews has directed since 2019.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.